Dott. Massimiliano Mantovani
Medico Chirurgo - Specialista in Medicina dello Sport
Fisiologia dell’esercizio - Posturologia - Nutrizione
I began my education at Human Physiology Institute of University of Milan with professor G. Cavagna; my field of application was muscle contraction and biomechanics of human locomotion .
I did a post graduate degree in Sports Medicine and now my fileds of application are sports physiology, performance test and training plans with particular emphasis on endurance sports as cycling and running. My line of work include nutrition and posturology as well.
I was lecturer in Human Physiology at the Sports Science Faculty, University of Insubria from 2012 to 2017.
Since 2003, I am Head Doctor at Nuova Dimensionesport, sports medicine practice.
From 2000 to 2016 season I used to be Head Doctor of different professional cycling teams (Vini Caldirola, Barloworld, Team Type 1, Team Colombia)
I am co-founder of CENTRO MEDICO LORENOVE, sports medecine practice and lab.